Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Feb 24th Run (Week 10, Run 68)

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Feb 24th Run (Week 10, Run 68)

Click the link above to see my run from this morning!

Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you, The Great Thaw!

Man, it was nice to get back out on the roads today. I have decided, I DISPISE the elliptical though. While I admit, it kept me in some kind of running shape, even doing hill repeats on the machine, I managed to lose 7 minutes off my goal pace. Got to kick it in to high gear now and get that time back for the big race... 9 more weeks of training to go until I suit up and jog my chunky body through the streets of Paris.

My route was pretty much all clear of ice, except for 2 spots. 1 is right around the bridge area where I turn right before entering Linden and is about 25-50 feet of mostly patchy ice. The other is on my uphill climb as I round the corner from the bridge. This one is the one that worries me. It's on a pretty steep incline and it's a pure sheet of ice, probably 7"-10" thick... may take awhile for that one to thaw. It's about 100', so the entire uphill portion. At least it's not the downhill portion of that hill too. That'd be treacherous.

I feel a little tingle in myright knee, the one I suspected I have Illiotibial Band Syndrome in, but there is no pain. Hopefully the time on the elliptical actually helped in that aspect. We'll see tomorrow when I run my 8 miler. That'll be out & around the church in Horbach & back. Hopefully this weekend I can go out with the camera and take pictures of my route out to 10 miles & back, so ya'll can see what I see. No such luck on the Paris one though... but hey, ya'll can always come for a visit and we'll head out there and you can see it first hand! LOL!


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